Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos 2e

Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos 2nd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Stephen Wiggins places emphasis on teaching the techniques and ideas that will enable students to take specific dynamical systems and obtain some quantitative information about their behavior. The new edition has been updated and extended throughout, and contains a detailed glossary of terms.

This volume is intended for advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate students as an introduction to applied nonlinear dynamics and chaos. Author has included the basic core material that is necessary for higher levels of study and research. Thus, people who do not necessarily have an extensive mathematical background, such as students in engineering, physics, chemistry, and biology, will find this text as useful as students of mathematics.

This new edition contains extensive new material on invariant manifold theory and normal forms (in particular, Hamiltonian normal forms and the role of symmetry). Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, gradient, and reversible dynamical systems are also discussed. Elementary Hamiltonian bifurcations are covered, as well as the basic properties of circle maps.

The book contains an extensive bibliography as well as a detailed glossary of terms, making it a comprehensive book on applied nonlinear dynamical systems from a geometrical and analytical point of view. Each chapter starts with a narrative and ends with a large collection of excellent exercises. Overall, the book provides a very accessible, up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to applied dynamical systems.

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Systems Thinking: Managing Chaos and Complexity 3e

Systems Thinking: Managing Chaos and Complexity 3rd Edition: A Platform for Designing Business Architecture PDF Download Ebook. Jamshid Gharajedaghi synthesizes systems theory and interactive design, providing an operational methodology for defining problems and designing solutions in an environment increasingly characterized by chaos and complexity.

The current edition has been updated to include all new chapters on self-organizing systems, Holistic, Operational, and Design thinking. Gharajedaghi covers recent crises in financial systems and job markets, the housing bubble, and environment, assessing their impact on systems thinking. There are four new chapters on self-organizing systems, holistic thinking, operational thinking, and design thinking.

This text covers the recent crises in financial systems and job markets globally, the housing bubble, and the environment, assessing their impact on systems thinking. Companion website to accompany the book is available at interactdesign.com. It explores the development of complex systems and advocates for iterative design principles as a foundational philosophy for dealing with complex, chaotic systems.

The volume discusses system theory and changes to traditional paradigms in light of emerging technologies and business methodologies and explores case studies from industry leaders that showcase these systems philosophies.

Author challenged us to think backwards from an ideal competitive position instead of forwards from our existing position with all its constraints. The result was bolder thinking about change. Jamshid forces a realistic assessment of a company's strengths and weaknesses, an idealistic view of what it could be, and creates the path from point A to point B.

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Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and an Introduction to Chaos 3e

Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos 3rd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Morris W. Hirsch, Stephen Smale and Robert L. Devaney offer theoretical approach to dynamical systems and chaos written for a diverse student population among the fields of mathematics, science, and engineering.

Prominent experts provide everything students need to know about dynamical systems as students seek to develop sufficient mathematical skills to analyze the types of differential equations that arise in their area of study. The authors provide rigorous exercises and examples clearly and easily by slowly introducing linear systems of differential equations.

Calculus is required as specialized advanced topics not usually found in elementary differential equations courses are included, such as exploring the world of discrete dynamical systems and describing chaotic systems. Classic text by three of the world's most prominent mathematicians, this text continues the tradition of expository excellence by containing updated material and expanded applications for use in applied studies.

This book covers the dynamical aspects of ordinary differential equations. it explores the relations between dynamical systems and certain fields outside pure mathematics, and has become the standard textbook for graduate courses in this area. The Second Edition now brings students to the brink of contemporary research, starting from a background that includes only calculus and elementary linear algebra.

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Monday, April 29, 2013

Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Systems

Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Systems PDF Download Ebook. Eric Bonabeau, Guy Theraulaz and Marco Dorigo provide detailed look at models of social insect behavior and how to apply these models in the design of complex systems. The book shows how these models replace an emphasis on control, preprogramming, and centralization with designs featuring autonomy, emergence, and distributed functioning.

Social insects such as ants, bees, termites, and wasps can be viewed as powerful problem-solving systems with sophisticated collective intelligence. Composed of simple interacting agents, this intelligence lies in the networks of interactions among individuals and between individuals and the environment.

A fascinating subject, social insects are also a powerful metaphor for artificial intelligence, and the problems they solve--finding food, dividing labor among nestmates, building nests, responding to external challenges--have important counterparts in engineering and computer science. These designs are proving immensely flexible and robust, able to adapt quickly to changing environments and to continue functioning even when individual elements fail. In particular, these designs are an exciting approach to the tremendous growth of complexity in software and information.

Swarm Intelligence draws on up-to-date research from biology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, robotics, operations research, and computer graphics, and each chapter is organized around a particular biological example, which is then used to develop an algorithm, a multi-agent system, or a group of robots. The book will be an invaluable resource for a broad range of disciplines.

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Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics 4e

Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics 4th Edition PDF Download Ebook. Douglas C. Giancoli explains physics in a readable and interesting manner that is accessible and clear, and to teach readers by anticipating their needs and difficulties without oversimplifying. Physics is a description of reality, and thus each topic begins with concrete observations and experiences that readers can directly relate to.

This book combines outstanding pedagogy with a clear and direct narrative and applications that draw the student into the physics. The new edition also features an unrivaled suite of media and on-line resources that enhance the understanding of physics. This book is written for students. It aims to explain physics in a readable and interesting manner that is accessible and clear, and to teach students by anticipating their needs and difficulties without oversimplifying.

Physics is a description of reality, and thus each topic begins with concrete observations and experiences that students can directly relate to. There are the generalizations and more formal treatment of the topic. Not only does this make the material more interesting and easier to understand, but it is closer to the way physics is actually practiced.

This book has been printed in 5 colors (5 passes through the presses) to provide better variety and definition for illustrating vectors and other concepts such as fields and rays. The photographs opening each Chapter, some of which have vectors superimposed on them, have been chosen so that the accompanying caption can be a sort of summary of the Chapter.

The wide range of Applications have been carefully chosen and integrated into the text so as not to interfere with the development of the physics, but rather to illuminate it.Some serve only as examples of physical principles, some are treated in greater depth. To make it easy to spot the Applications, aPhysics Applied marginal note is placed in the margin. A list of Applications shall appear after the Table of Contents.

Problem-Solving Marginal Notes are included throughout the Chapters to emphasize key Problem Solving strategies. Problem-Solving Boxes, found throughout the book, outline a step-by-step approach to get students thinking about and involved in the problem at hand.

Step-by-Step Examples follow most Problem Solving Boxes with the next Example being worked step-by-step, following the steps of the preceding Problem Solving Box to show students how this tool can be. Estimation Examples help students develop skills for making order-of-magnitude estimates, even when data is scarce, or when you might never have guessed any result was possible.

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Statistical Mechanics 3rd Edition, Pathria and Beale

Statistical Mechanics 3rd Edition PDF Download Ebook. R K Pathria and Paul D. Beale offer new sections on Bose-Einstein condensation and degenerate Fermi behavior of ultracold atomic gases, and two new chapters on computer simulation methods and the thermodynamics of the early universe. Authors have also added new sections on chemical and phase equilibrium, and expanded our discussions of correlations and scattering, quantized fields, finite-size effects, and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem.

This text will continue to provide new generations of students with a solid training in the methods of statistical physics. The selection of topics is very complete and gives to the student a wide view of the applications of statistical mechanics. The set problems reinforce the theory exposed in the text, helping the student to master the material.

One may start by putting together seemingly isolated observations and as the different pieces start to fall into place, more complicated arrangements and more fundamental explanations are sought. This is indeed the case for instance when trying to understand the behavior of a collection of particles. On the one hand, thermo- dynamics provides us with a satisfactory explanation of the macroscopic phenomena observed, however, in order to get to the core of the physical system it becomes necessary to take into account the microscopic constituents of the system as well as the fact that quantum mechanical effects are at play.

This is the realm of statistical mechanics and the subject of one of the most widely recognized textbooks around the globe: Pathria's Statistical Mechanics. The original style of the book is kept, and the clarity of explanations and derivations is still there. I am convinced that this third edition of Statistical Mechanics will enable a number of new generations of physicists to gain a solid background of statistical physics and that can only be a good thing.

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Physics 9th Edition by John Cutnell and.Kenneth Johnson

Physics 9th Edition PDF Download Ebook. John D. Cutnell and Kenneth W. Johnson build transferable problem-solving skills. This book includes a set of features such as Analyzing-Multiple-Concept Problems, Check Your Understanding, Concepts & Calculations, and Concepts at a Glance. This helps the reader to first identify the physics concepts, then associate the appropriate mathematical equations, and finally to work out an algebraic solution.

Designed for medical professionals who may struggle with making the leap to conceptual understanding and applying physics, this text puts students in motion and supports them every step of the way. Acting as essential equipment, PHYSICS 8e aids in the development of conceptual understanding, and shows students the relevance of physics to their lives and future career.

This text continues that tradition by providing superior support students need to facilitate a deeper level of conceptual understanding, improve their reasoning skills and see the relevance of physics to their lives and future careers.

Research studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between time on task and student learning gains. This guide offers instructors innovative new tools for engaging students. Through the use of a proven pedagogy that includes integrated reading activities, instructors are able to much more effectively monitor student reading and progress, resulting in a higher level of student engagement with the course content.

Success in physics is also based on practice. Working high quality problem sets is one of the best ways for students to learn physics. However, to get the greatest benefit from working problems students need immediate feedback and expert coaching. This book offers an extensive and tested set of assessment questions and sophisticated wrong answer feedback.

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Applied Physics 10th Edition, Dale Ewen and Schurter

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A Student's Guide to Vectors and Tensors, Daniel Fleisch

A Student's Guide to Vectors and Tensors PDF Download Ebook. Daniel Fleisch gives undergraduate and beginning graduate students a better understanding of how to use vectors and tensors to solve problems in physics and engineering. This book is an excellent resource for science and engineering students who can use it as a quick reference while studying topics such as physics, statics, dynamics, electromagnetism, and fluid mechanics.

This book is a short, concise teaching aid devoted to vector analysis and tensors. Each chapter ends with a set of problems whose interactive solutions can be found on a website. This is both helpful and innovative. One of the author's goals for this book is to provide in-depth coverage of covariant and contravariant tensors.

Vectors and tensors are among the most powerful problem-solving tools available, with applications ranging from mechanics and electromagnetics to general relativity. Understanding the nature and application of vectors and tensors is critically important to students of physics and engineering.

Adopting the same approach used in this book, Fleisch explains vectors and tensors in plain language. Written for undergraduate and beginning graduate students, the book provides a thorough grounding in vectors and vector calculus before transitioning through contra and covariant components to tensors and their applications. Fleisch's book is an excellent and challenging resource for students in this subject area.

Matrices and their algebra are reviewed on the book's supporting website, which also features interactive solutions to every problem in the text where students can work through a series of hints or choose to see the entire solution at once. Audio podcasts give students the opportunity to hear important concepts in the book explained by the author. This is timely, since some undergraduate physics textbooks are now using both types of tensors.

The author is commended for his effective and elucidating style, with graphical explanations and without mathematical long-windedness. Reading specific sections in this book a priori not only serves as a just-in-time preparation, but also empowers students to tackle subjects that require a good grasp of vector algebra, vector differential operators, vector transformation, and tensors. It is highly recommended.

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Producing Great Sound for Film and Video 3e, Jay Rose

Producing Great Sound for Film and Video 3rd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Jay Rose offers hundreds of professional, real-world techniques that you can employ from preproduction through the final mix. This is a solution-oriented guide with FAQs, how-tos, tips, and time savers.

You'll get a primer on how sound and digital audio work as well as technical setups, guidelines, and real solutions for budgeting, scheduling, and preproduction planning using microphones and room acoustics. There is also clear explanation on recording dialog, voice-overs, ADR, and effects, postproduction hardware, levels and digitizing, working with music and sound effects for producing the final mix.

New to this edition are information on the latest cameras and field recorders, choices between single- and double-system, and digital workflows, the differences between traditional video soundtracks and dialog-driven storytelling.

The writer's intimate and accessible style is what makes this book a great value for anyone interested in audio. Whether you're just starting in the field of digital audio/video production, or are a seasoned pro, you'll find information in this book that will improve your end product. You'll learn what mics to use in the field, how to fix an echo, how to deal with line noise, cheap fixes for potentially expensive problems-and this book will teach you tips and tricks that will make your head spin.

Author shows the reader how to make do in limited-budget, time-constrained situations, and puts it all in context on a technical level. Producing Great Soundtracks is an invaluable collection of step-by-step how-to information combined with the technical reasons things do or don't work. It's essential reading for anyone serious about making a living doing moving pictures.

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Modern Recording Techniques 7th Edition, David Huber

Modern Recording Techniques 7th Edition PDF Download Ebook. David Miles Huber and Robert E. Runstein help guide you in creating, understanding and mastering the pro and project studio. The tips, tricks and tools in this best-selling book will enable you to record music in new and innovative ways that'll help you express your talents to their fullest potential.

We have entered an exciting age in audio production. Conventional limitations in recording have subsided or vanished entirely, making it possible to create and record your own music in ways that few ever dreamed possible. This definitive guide to audio covers the latest audio technologies, and includes expanded and enhanced sections on the Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), plug-ins, looping, groove tools, studio techniques, surround sound, mastering and more.

Accompanied by an interactive companion website (www.modrec.com) featuring a searchable audio glossary, this dynamite book/website combination leaves no recording question unanswered, while offering you the chance to share ideas, get tips, and seek out advice when and where you need it.

With this book, you can explore the tools for getting better results in both the professional and project recording studio, gain in-depth insights into digital audio technology, the digital audio workstation (DAW), surround sound production, electronic music and MIDI, synchronization, analog and digital console technology, mixing, console automation and more.

You also learn basics of dynamics, noise reduction, and other forms of signal processing in both the analog and the digital domains. This book also describes practical microphone placement techniques, monitoring fundamentals, CD mastering and important tips on getting your music to market. You can check out new developments in new media, desktop audio and music technologies for the Web.

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Sound System Engineering 4th Edition, Davis and Patronis

Sound System Engineering 4th Edition PDF Download Ebook. Don Davis, Eugene Patronis and Pat Brown offer accurate, complete, and concise tool for all those involved in designing, implementing, and testing sound reinforcement systems. This new fourth edition includes eight new chapters leading the reader through both cutting-edge topics—e.g., IBM’s proposed thought-controlled sound system—and solid basics, such as loudspeaker specifications, wave equations, and digital audio.

Topics covered include psychoacoustics and how the brain processes sound, digital theory, mathematics for audio systems, using the decibel, interfacing electrical and acoustical systems. Audio and acoustic measurements are explained by considering large room and small room acoustics, designing for acoustic gain, designing for speech intelligibility, wave equations, microphones, loudspeakers, loudspeaker arrays, and loudspeaker directivity.

Packed with numerous illustrations and useful appendices, this is a concentrated capsule of industry standards and knowledge that spans the complete range of sound systems, from the simplest all-analog paging systems to the largest multi-purpose digital systems.

Written by two leading authorities in the field of audio engineering, this highly respected guide covers the basic principals necessary for the understanding of today's systems as well as for those systems yet to come.

Don Davis and his wife, Carolyn, founded Synergetic Audio Concepts in 1972. Don and Carolyn are both Fellows of the Audio Engineering Society. Don is a senior member of the IEEE and a gold member of the Acoustical Society of America. Don and Carolyn received dual lifetime achievement awards from NSCA, the Adele De Berri Pioneers of Audio award from InfoComm International, and the USITT Harold Burris-Myer Distinguished Career in Sound Design Award.

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Master Handbook of Acoustics 5th Edition by Everest

Master Handbook of Acoustics 5th Edition PDF Download Ebook. F. Alton Everest and Ken Pohlmann present clear explanations of acoustic phenomena and provide hands-on approach to room design. Learn how to perform acoustic measurements, choose room dimensions, assign speaker placement, analyze response curves, and design and install sound absorbers and diffusers.

You will also find details on how to fine-tune room reverberation, minimize external noise, and apply psychoacoustic concepts. Author explains how to determine how sound propagates in open and enclosed spaces, measure sound-pressure levels and work with decibels, analyze the characteristics of room modal resonances, treat rooms for optimal early reflections, reverberation, and diffusion.

This book offers guidelines to minimize acoustic distortion, comb-filter effects, and HVAC interference, construct high-quality stereo and surround-sound listening rooms, design personal and professional recording studios and control rooms, understand the acoustics of auditoriums and concert halls, optimize room designs using measurement, modeling, and auralization software.

This text offers guidelines to build your own acoustic environments such as recording studios, control rooms, and home listening rooms with expert insights from two engineering professionals. Fully expanded to cover the latest methods and software tools, this book shows explanation to apply the principles of acoustics to the audio arts.

This involves serving as an interpreter of major trends and the literature for students and practitioners in the audio field. Along with covering the more theoretical aspects of acoustics, the book applies the theory to the design of specialized audio spaces such as the home listening room, the control room, and the multi-track-recording studio.

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Artist Management for the Music Business 2e, Paul Allen

Artist Management for the Music Business 2nd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Paul Allen provides clear in depth information on what to do as an artist manager and how to do it. The book looks at the application of classic management theory to artist management, includes profiles of successful artist managers as well as offering skill development for planning, coaching, and leading.

This text provides key industry insight for both new and experienced artist managers, plus exclusive planning guidance, current management tools, and successful career strategies for managers and the artists they manage. It gives a detailed account of the politics, processes and procedures from the perspective and experiences of artist managers, career of managing performers and other areas of the business.

You will learn to prepare yourself for a career in artist management and become skilled with the tools to coach, lead, organize time, manage finance, market an artist, and carve out the successful career path for both yourself and your clients. The book features profiles of artist managers, an exclusive and detailed template for an artist career plan, and samples of major contract sections for artist management and record deals.

This book is for those who are interested in the music business, especially for those who want to manage musicians. There is a lot of information to process, but the author does it in a plain, direct manner and it is well organized. He doesn't sugar coat things and clearly defines the career, letting you know what to expect. He gives plenty of real-life success stories to inspire the reader and motivate you to keep moving forward if this is your dream. While this is really a book for those interested in managing, it is also an informative read for musicians as well.

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The Sound Reinforcement Handbook 2nd Edition, Gary Davis

The Sound Reinforcement Handbook 2nd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Gary Davis and Ralph Jones cover all aspects of designing and using such systems for public address and musical performance. The book features information on both the audio theory involved and the practical applications of that theory, explaining everything from microphones to loudspeakers.

This book features almost 40 new pages and is even easier to follow with the addition of an index and a simplified page and chapter numbering system. New topics covered include: MIDI, Synchronization, and an Appendix on Logarithms.

You will get familiar with the signal routing possibilities in your mixer, find out what signal levels different parts of your equipment expect (and can tolerate) on their inputs and produce at their outputs. This book offers the ways for avoiding signal clipping and the resulting distortion of your signal and risk of damage to your high-frequency driver on your speakers. Next in line of favorite reading material is the Yamaha classic.

If your going to read only one book on the subject, read this one ! I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to get serious or learn more about sound reinforcement as well as for people who have been in the business for years. The book covers basic topics like microphones and mixing consoles, from the basic terms to simplified circuitry schematics and formulas.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nonlinear Fiber Optics 5th Edition by Govind Agrawal

Nonlinear Fiber Optics 5th Edition PDF Download Ebook. Govind Agrawal provides an up-to-date account of the nonlinear phenomena occurring inside optical fibers, the basis of all our telecommunications infastructure, as well as being used in the medical field. It continues to be industry bestseller providing unique source of comprehensive coverage on the subject of nonlinear fiber optics.

Reflecting the big developments in research, this new edition includes major new content: slow light effects, which offers a reduction in noise and power consumption, and more ordered network traffic- stimulated Brillouin scattering, vectorial treatment of highly nonlinear fibers, and a brand new chapter on supercontinuum generation in optical fibers.

This book offers updated coverage of intrapulse Raman scattering, four-wave mixing, and Harmonic Generation with a new chapter exclusively devoted to supercontinuum generation in optical fibers. Taking into account recent research on polarization, additions have been made to chapters on stimulated Raman scattering and four-wave mixing.

Two new chapters, Chapters 11 and 12, have been added to cover the recent research advances. Chapter 11 describes the properties of highly nonlinear fibers, and the novel nonlinear effects that have been observed since 2000 in such fibers are covered in Chapter 12. Although all other chapters have been updated, Chapters 8 to 10 required major additions because of the recent advances in the research areas covered by them.

For example, polarization issues have become increasingly more important for stimulated Raman scattering and four-wave mixing, and thus they are discussed in detail in Chapters 8 and 10. It is important that students learn about such polarization effects in a course devoted to nonlinear fiber optics.

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Design of Integrated Circuits for Optical Communications 2e

Design of Integrated Circuits for Optical Communications 2nd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Behzad Razavi covers High-Speed IOs, PLLs, CDRs, and transceiver design including optical communication. The increasing demand for high-speed transport of data has revitalized optical communications, leading to extensive work on high-speed device and circuit design.

With the proliferation of the Internet and the rise in the speed of microprocessors and memories, the transport of data continues to be the bottleneck, motivating work on faster communication channels. This book deals with the design of high-speed integrated circuits for optical communication transceivers.

Building upon a detailed understanding of optical devices, the book describes the analysis and design of critical building blocks, such as transimpedance and limiting amplifiers, laser drivers, phase-locked loops, oscillators, clock and data recovery circuits, and multiplexers. It has been fully updated with tutorial treatment of broadband circuits for both students and engineers,unique information dealing with clock and data recovery circuits and multiplexers with chapter dedicated to burst-mode optical communications.

A detailed study of new circuit developments for optical transceivers is presented with an examination of recent implementations in CMOS technology. This text is ideal for senior graduate students and engineers involved in high-speed circuit design for optical communications, as well as the more general field of wireline communications.

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Introduction to Fourier Optics 3rd Edition by Goodman

Introduction to Fourier Optics 3rd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Joseph Goodman deals with its applications in optics, and in particular with its applications to diffraction, imaging, optical data processing, holography and optical communications.

This respected text considerably expands the original and reflects the tremendous advances made in the field. All the material has been update and several new sections explore the recent progress made in the areas of wavelength modulation, analog information processing, and holography. The book also explores Fourier analysis applications and emphasizes those applications to diffraction, imaging, optical data processing, and holography.

A new chapter describes devices and techniques important for optical communications, emphasizing the interplay between time, temporal frequency, space and spatial frequency. Topics such as fiber Bragg gratings, ultrashort pulse shaping, and spectral holography are presented in the same clear and understandable yet detailed manner as the other topics in the text. Once again, the use of Fourier techniques provides particular insight into the principles and applications of these important new fields.

Author explains scalar wave propagation and transfer functions that are essential for understanding the performance of imaging and other optical systems. It also covers several advanced topics. This is the clearest and best-written textbook I have ever read.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fundamentals of Photonics 2nd Edition, Saleh and Teich

Fundamentals of Photonics 2nd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Bahaa E. A. Saleh and Malvin Carl Teich thoroughly survey this rapidly expanding area of engineering and applied physics. Featuring a logical blend of theory and applications, coverage includes detailed accounts of the primary theories of light, including ray optics, wave optics, electromagnetic optics, and photon optics, as well as the interaction of photons and atoms, and semiconductor optics.

Presented at increasing levels of complexity, preliminary sections build toward more advanced topics, such as Fourier optics and holography, guided-wave and fiber optics, semiconductor sources and detectors, electro-optic and acousto-optic devices, nonlinear optical devices, optical interconnects and switches, and optical fiber communications.

The book features entirely new chapters on photonic-crystal optics (including multilayer and periodic media, waveguides, holey fibers, and resonators) and ultrafast optics (including femtosecond optical pulses, ultrafast nonlinear optics, and optical solitons). The chapters on optical interconnects and switches and optical fiber communications have been completely rewritten to accommodate current technology.

This book covers the interaction of optics and electronics and their important applications in lasers, optical fibers and semiconductor optical devices. Examining the four theories of light--ray, wave, electromagnetic and photon optics as well as the theory of interaction of light with matter, numerous applications and examples of actual systems are also provided.

Each chapter contains summaries, highlighted equations, exercises, problems, and selected reading lists. Examples of real systems are included to emphasize the concepts governing applications of current interest. Each of the twenty-two chapters of the first edition has been thoroughly updated.

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Introduction to Optics 3rd Edition, Frank L Pedrotti

Introduction to Optics 3rd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Frank L Pedrotti offers comprehensive, applications-oriented introduction to geometrical optics, wave optics, and modern optics. This text contains new chapters on laser beam characteristics and nonlinear optics; expanded coverage of fiber optics; new sections on ray tracing, thick lens, the Doppler effect, and evanescent waves; and valuable coverage of matrix treatment of polarization, Fraunhofer diffraction, Fourier optics, and more.

Section I contains chapters from which a standard one-semester optics course could be based. Chapters in Section I would require that some but not all of the preceding Section I chapters be covered first. Section II contains chapters that, upon completion of a subset of Section I chapters, could be covered in any order. This would allow teachers to select, as they wish, specialized content to suit individual curricular needs and goals.

This book contains over 50 new Problems. Figures accompany end-of-chapter Problems to help students visualize the situation. It also includes over 50 new and revised figures. Electronic versions of most figures will be available to instructors for presentation.

Formerly introduced in Chapter 21, lasers are now introduced early which establishes the importance of the laser as an optical instrument; allows for early introduction of various applications, demonstrations, and discussions that build on the use of a laser. Chapter 6 includes updates to semiconductor lasers, introduction of fiber lasers, and addition of more solid state lasers.

In addition to Chapter 6 on Laser Basics, chapters on Optical Interferometery (9), Fiber Optics (10), and Holography (15) have been updated. Updates include a modernization of the treatment and the addition of modern applications. It is an ideal introductory guide for the physics instructor, specifically those concentrating on optics.

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Exploring Black Holes: Introduction to General Relativity

Exploring Black Holes: Introduction to General Relativity PDF Download Ebook. Edwin F. Taylor and John Archibald Wheeler offer concise, introductory overview of general relativity and black holes, motivating students to become active participants in carrying out their own investigations. To this end, the book uses calculus and algebra, rather than tensors, to make general relativity accessible to sophomores and juniors.

Five chapters introduce basic concepts, and seven projects require the reader to apply these basic concepts to real astronomical applications. A concise, direct examination of general relativity and black holes, this text provides tools that motivate tools that motivate readers to become active participants in carrying out their own investigations about curved spacetime near earth and black holes.

The authors use calculus and algebra to make general relativity accessible, and use quotes from well-known personalities, including Einstein, to offer further insight. Five chapters introduce basic theory. The book also includes seven projects regarding the analysis of major applications. Discussions provide the background needed to carry out projects. The book's projects guide readers as they fill in steps, compute outcomes and carry out their own investigations.

The black and white text is replete with sample problems, well-drawn and amply captioned figures, and a good collection of end-of-chapter exercises. One idiosyncrasy that several students found annoying is that each chapter and project has its pages independently numbered. Because the chapters are identified by numbers and the projects are identified by capital letters, it is not always clear which way to turn when searching for a particular passage.

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Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology by Robert Lambourne

Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology PDF Download Ebook. Robert J. A. Lambourne covers the key ideas of special and general relativity together with their applications. The textbook introduces students to basic geometric concepts, such as metrics, connections and curvature, before examining general relativity in more detail. It shows the observational evidence supporting the theory, and the description general relativity provides of black holes and cosmological space-times.

The textbook is in full colour, with numerous worked examples and exercises with solutions. Key points and equations are highlighted for easy identification, and each chapter ends with a summary list of important concepts and results. This textbook provides the essential background for an up-to-date discussion of modern observational cosmology.

Each chapter builds on the previous one as concepts are developed, making it ideal for self-study. The author has done a great job of producing a text suitable for upper level undergrads and even first year graduate students. The graphics are very good and I particularly appreciate the concise chapter summaries and the exercises with solutions. Students will love this text. I will definitely use it in my upper division classes.

The presentation of special and general relativity is remarkably clear, with explicit derivations and explanations accompanied by useful and relevant exercises. This text strikes a nice balance between theory and applications and does a commendable job of bringing undergraduates up to speed on a challenging topic. I highly recommend it for a first undergraduate course in general relativity.

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Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity

Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity PDF Download Ebook. Sean Carroll provides a lucid and thoroughly modern introduction to general relativity. With an accessible and lively writing style, it introduces modern techniques to what can often be a formal and intimidating subject.

Readers are led from the physics of flat spacetime (special relativity), through the intricacies of differential geometry and Einstein's equations, and on to exciting applications such as black holes, gravitational radiation, and cosmology. For advanced undergraduates and graduate students, or anyone interested in astronomy, cosmology, physics, or general relativity.

This book’s purpose is more to review the basics and and introduce some notation, rather than to provide a self-contained introduction. Beyond that, some exposure to electromagnetism, Lagrangian mechanics, and linear algebra might be useful, but the essentials are included here.

The structure of the book should be clear. The first chapter is a review of special relativity and basic tensor algebra, including a brief discussion of classical field theory. The next two chapters introduce manifolds and curvature in some detail; some motivational physics is included, but building a mathematical framework is the primary goal. General relativity proper is introduced in Chapter Four, along with some discussion of alternative theories.

The next four chapters discuss the three major applications of GR: black holes (two chapters), perturbation theory and gravitational waves, and cosmology. Each of these subjects has witnessed an explosion of research in recent years, so the discussions here will be necessarily introductory, but I have tried to emphasize issues of relevance to current work. These three applications can be covered in any order, although there are interdependencies highlighted in the text. Discussions of experimental tests are sprinkled through these chapters.

Chapter Nine is a brief introduction to quantum field theory in curved spacetime; this is not a necessary part of a first look at GR, but has become increasingly important to work in quantum gravity and cosmology, and therefore deserves some mention. On the other hand, a few topics are scandalously neglected; the initial value problem and cosmological perturbation theory come to mind, but there are others. Fortunately there is no shortage of other resources.

The appendices serve various purposes: there are discussions of technical points which were avoided in the body of the book, crucial concepts which could have been put in various different places, and extra topics which are useful but outside the main development.

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Saturday, April 20, 2013

A First Course in General Relativity 2e, Bernard Schutz

A First Course in General Relativity 2nd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Bernard Schutz offers the first step into general relativity for undergraduate students with a minimal background in mathematics. Topics within relativity that fascinate astrophysical researchers and students alike are covered with Schutz's characteristic ease and authority - from black holes to gravitational lenses, from pulsars to the study of the Universe as a whole.

This edition now contains discoveries by astronomers that require general relativity for their explanation; a revised chapter on relativistic stars, including new information on pulsars; an entirely rewritten chapter on cosmology; and an extended, comprehensive treatment of modern detectors and expected sources.

Over 300 exercises, many new to this edition, give students the confidence to work with general relativity and the necessary mathematics, whilst the informal writing style makes the subject matter easily accessible. This text retains all of the original's clarity and insight into the mathematical foundations of general relativity, but thoroughly updates the accounts of the application of the theory in astrophysics and cosmology, which have moved on considerably.

The result is an indispensable volume for anyone wishing to develop a deep and physically well-motivated understanding of relativistic gravitation, and this new edition will no doubt become a classic text in its own right. This text will be appreciated by any upper level undergraduate with an interest in cosmology, astrophysics, or experimentation in gravitational physics.

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Relativity Visualized by Lewis Carroll Epstein

Relativity Visualized PDF Download Ebook. Lewis Carroll Epstein makes relativity so simple that a child can understand it. By replacing equations with diagrams, the book allows non-specialist readers to fully understand the concepts in relativity without the slow, painful progress so often associated with a complicated scientific subject. It allows readers not only to know how relativity works, but also to intuitively understand it.

This short book is filled with diagrams and illustrations, as the Visualized in its name would imply. There’s a full thousand-fold greater evolutionary lineage in our visual hardware than in our symbolic hardware. The take home message is “Pictures are usually better than equations.”

Now, the great number of visualizations is very useful for conveying ideas and developing intuition, but it does not qualify as mathematical proofs that would enshrine the logical foundations of relativity theory. But that’s fine; Epstein didn’t set out to write a relativity textbook. Instead, this is like a relativity (both special and general) intuition primer and is quite useful in that regard. The usual stumbling blocks people (like me!) run into are addressed, so he clearly knows his audience.

One downside I’ll point out is the sometimes baffling ordering of the figures. I’ll turn the page and have no idea where I’m supposed to be looking first. Even with the order discerned and the figures examined, relativity remains a non-intuitive topic for the upstart student and so repeat readings will almost certainly be required.

Another unique feature of Relativity Visualized are the arts and crafts he urges you to do, such as making space time diagrams on cones to show where gravity comes from. Even if you don’t perform them yourself, the illustrations do a pretty good job of showing what it would look like if you did. I can imagine a future where I’m trying to explain relativity to someone, and falling back on these suggestions to illustrate point.

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A General Relativity Workbook by Thomas A. Moore

A General Relativity Workbook PDF Download Ebook. Thomas A. Moore enables students to develop a solid mastery of both the physics and the supporting tensor calculus by guiding them to work through the implications. The mathematics is introduced gradually and in a completely physical context.

Each chapter, which is designed to correspond to one class session, involves a short overview of the concepts without obscuring derivations or details, followed by a series of boxes that guide students through the process of working things out. This active-learning approach enables students to develop a more secure mastery of the material than more traditional approaches.

This workbook makes General Relativity accessible to undergraduates who have seen little or none of the underlying mathematical framework. This is achieved not by watering down the contents, but rather by systematically guiding readers to work everything out themselves until they own the concepts and the mathematical techniques. It is indeed a workbook, which I trust will be a great success.

More than 350 homework problems support further learning. It is recommended textbook intended to support a one-semester undergraduate course on general relativity. With its clean organization, its direct and clear prose, and especially its pedagogically effective workbook format, this guide may quickly become the new standard for upper division undergraduate courses in General Relativity.

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Erwin Schrodinger and the Quantum Revolution by John Gribbin

Erwin Schrodinger and the Quantum Revolution PDF Download Ebook. John Gribbin takes you into the heart of the quantum revolution and explains the captivating world of quantum mechanics, which underpins all of modern science.

Erwin Schrödinger is the grandfather of quantum physics best known for his thought experiment of a cat in a box, simultaneously dead and alive, which demonstrated the maddening absurdity of quantum physics. Author of the bestselling classic In Search of Schrödinger's Cat, John Gribbin now explores the physicist behind the box.

Erwin Schrödinger and the Quantum Revolution is a riveting biography of a giant of physics who was as passionate about philosophy and Eastern religion as he was about science, who broke social convention to the detriment of his career, and who was a reluctant revolutionary of quantum physics. Raised on the scientific tradition of the nineteenth century, Erwin Schrödinger's major contribution to the new science of the twentieth century was his masterpiece wave theory of quanta for which he received a Nobel Prize. Schrödinger remains an integral part of the new physics of the twenty-first century.

Few scientists are known as snappy dressers, but Schrödinger sometimes made Einstein look like a fashion icon. On one occasion he had trouble gaining admission to an important scientific meeting because of his bedraggled appearance. Far more problematic were his unorthodox domestic arrangements. He horrified the old-fashioned establishment at Oxford when he turned up in England with both his wife and his mistress, and he was later not considered for a job at Princeton, working alongside Einstein, for the same reason.

More than a century after the first skirmishes of the quantum revolution, it may be difficult to understand what a profound shock it was for brilliant scientists like Schrödinger and Einstein to be confronted by the specter of uncertainty at the atomic level. Gribbin creates an almost wistful picture of the solid, predictable universe understood by Newtonian physicists—a world in which immutable laws of nature governed every micron of movement in a clockwork system.

How, then, could an electron be in two places at once, or move from one place to another without passing through the space between, or be in no definable place at all? John Gribbin explains the complexity of quantum mechanics, as well as the complex character of this quantum pioneer, in his signature, lucid approach that any curious mind can understand.

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Quantum Computing since Democritus by Scott Aaronson

Quantum Computing since Democritus PDF Download Ebook. Scott Aaronson takes readers on a tour through some of the deepest ideas of maths, computer science and physics. Full of insights, arguments and philosophical perspectives, the book covers an amazing array of topics. Aaronson's informal style makes this book a fascinating read for students and researchers working in physics, computer science, mathematics and philosophy.

Beginning in antiquity with Democritus, it progresses through logic and set theory, computability and complexity theory, quantum computing, cryptography, the information content of quantum states and the interpretation of quantum mechanics. There are also extended discussions about time travel, Newcomb's Paradox, the anthropic principle and the views of Roger Penrose.

Aaronson's informal style makes this fascinating book accessible to readers with scientific backgrounds, as well as students and researchers working in physics, computer science, mathematics and philosophy. ichard Feynman's Lectures on Physics has there been a set of lecture notes as brilliant and as entertaining.

Aaronson leads the reader on a wild romp through the most important intellectual achievements in computing and physics, weaving these seemingly disparate fields into a captivating narrative for our modern age of information. Aaronson wildly runs through the fields of physics and computers, showing us how they are connected, how to understand our computational universe, and what questions exist on the borders of these fields that we still don't understand.

This book is a poem disguised as a set of lecture notes. The lectures are on computing and physics, complexity theory and mathematical logic and quantum physics. The poem is made up of proofs, jokes, stories, and revelations, synthesizing the two towering fields of computer science and physics into a coherent tapestry of sheer intellectual awesomeness.

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Quantum Physics: A Beginner's Guide by Alastair Rae

Quantum Physics: A Beginner's Guide PDF Download Ebook. Alastair Rae assumes no prior scientific or mathematical knowledge. This clear and concise introduction provides a step-by-step guide to quantum theory, right from the very basic principles to the most cutting-edge developments, such as super-fast computers and unbreakable codes, which could soon become reality.

As author points out in his introduction, "quantum physics is not rocket science". It may have gained a reputation as the theory that no one really understands, but its practical applications are all around us in everyday life. If it were not for quantum physics, computers would not function, metals would not conduct electricity, and the power stations that heat our homes would not produce energy.

Finally, Rae turns to the philosophical questions posed by quantum physics and asks: if Einstein was wrong and God really does play dice, what are the consequences of this for the way we view ourselves and our relation to the world? Written by one of the most respected authors in the field, this authoritative and readable guide will be suitable for anyone wishing to gain a clearer understanding of one of the key scientific discoveries of our time.

Author has done an impressive job. Any reader who is prepared to put in a little effort will come away from this book with not only an understanding of the basics of some important practical applications of the theory but also some appreciation of why its conceptual foundations are still the subject of such spirited debate.

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Lectures on Quantum Mechanics by Steven Weinberg

Lectures on Quantum Mechanics PDF Download Ebook. Steven Weinberg demonstrates his exceptional insight in this concise introduction to modern quantum mechanics for graduate students. Ideally suited to a one-year graduate course, this textbook is also a useful reference for researchers. It covers many topics not often found in other texts on the subject and features end-of-chapter problems.

Readers are introduced to the subject through a review of the history of quantum mechanics and an account of classic solutions of the Schrödinger equation, before quantum mechanics is developed in a modern Hilbert space approach. This text has written an exceptionally clear and coherent graduate-level textbook on modern quantum mechanics.

This book presents the physical and mathematical formulations of the theory in a concise and rigorous manner. The equations are all explained step-by-step, and every term is defined. He presents a fresh, integrated approach to teaching this subject with an emphasis on symmetry principles. Weinberg demonstrates his finesse as an excellent teacher and author.

The textbook covers many topics not often found in other books on the subject, including alternatives to the Copenhagen interpretation, Bloch waves and band structure, the Wigner-Eckart theorem, magic numbers, isospin symmetry, the Dirac theory of constrained canonical systems, general scattering theory, the optical theorem, the 'in-in' formalism, the Berry phase, Landau levels, entanglement and quantum computing. Problems are included at the ends of chapters, with solutions available for instructors

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Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 2nd Edition, Griffiths

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 2nd Edition PDF Download Ebook. David J. Griffiths shows how to do quantum mechanics, and then provides them with a more insightful discussion of what it means. Fundamental principles are covered, quantum theory presented, and special techniques developed for attacking realistic problems. The book’s two-part coverage organizes topics under basic theory, and assembles an arsenal of approximation schemes with illustrative applications.

The purpose of this book is to teach you how to do quantum mechanics. Apart from some essential background in Chapter 1, the deeper quasiphilosophical questions are saved for the end. I do not believe one can intelligently discuss what quantum mechanics means until one has a firm sense of what quantum mechanics does. But if you absolutely cannot wait, by all means read the Afterword immediately following Chapter 1.

Not only is quantum theory conceptually rich, it is also technically difficult, and exact solutions to all but the most artificial textbook examples are few and far between. It is therefore essential to develop special techniques for attacking more realistic problems.

Accordingly, this book is divided into two parts; Part I covers the basic theory, and Part II assembles an arsenal of approximation schemes, with illustrative applications. Although it is important to keep the two parts logically separate, it is not necessary to study the material in the order presented here. Some instructors, for example, may wish to treat time-independent perturbation theory immediately after Chapter 2.

This book is intended for a one-semester or one-year course at the junior or senior level. A one-semester course will have to concentrate mainly on Part I; a full-year course should have room for supplementary material beyond Part II. The reader must be familiar with the rudiments of linear algebra (as summarized in the Appendix), complex numbers, and calculus up through partial derivatives; some acquaintance with Fourier analysis and the Dirac delta function would help.

Elementary classical mechanics is essential, of course, and a little electrodynamics would be useful in places. As always, the more physics and math you know the easier it will be, and the more you will get out of your study.

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The Universe in a Nutshell by Stephen William Hawking

The Universe in a Nutshell PDF Download Ebook. Stephen William Hawking offers humorous style and with colorful and entertaining graphics on every page. Hawking succeeds in communicating his love and enthusiasm for science. Without seeming to condescend, he makes a valiant attempt to clarify many fascinating and elusive topics such as relativity and time; multiple universes and dimensions; black holes and dark matter; prediction of the future; and the possibility of time travel.

Author aims to remedy the situation, with a plethora of friendly illustrations to help readers grok some of the most brain-bending ideas ever conceived. Does it succeed? Yes and no. While Hawking offers genuinely accessible context for such complexities as string theory and the nature of time, it's when he must translate equations to sentences that the limits of language get in the way.

But Hawking has simplified the origin of the universe, the nature of space and time, and what holds it all together to an unprecedented degree, inviting nonscientists to share his obvious awe and love of the unseen forces that shape it all. Stephen Hawking is an intellectual icon, known not only for the adventurousness of his ideas but for the clarity and wit with which he expresses them.

In this new book Hawking takes us to the cutting edge of theoretical physics, where truth is often stranger than fiction, to explain in laymen’s terms the principles that control our universe. Professor Hawking is seeking to uncover the grail of science the elusive Theory of Everything that lies at the heart of the cosmos. In his accessible and often playful style, he guides us on his search to uncover the secrets of the universe from supergravity to supersymmetry, from quantum theory to M-theory, from holography to duality.

He takes us to the wild frontiers of science, where superstring theory and p-branes may hold the final clue to the puzzle. With characteristic exuberance, Professor Hawking invites us to be fellow travelers on this extraordinary voyage through space-time.

Copious four-color illustrations help clarify this journey into a surreal wonderland where particles, sheets, and strings move in eleven dimensions; where black holes evaporate and disappear, taking their secret with them; and where the original cosmic seed from which our own universe sprang was a tiny nut. This book is essential reading for all of us who want to understand the universe in which we live.

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