Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Introduction to Optics 3rd Edition, Frank L Pedrotti

Introduction to Optics 3rd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Frank L Pedrotti offers comprehensive, applications-oriented introduction to geometrical optics, wave optics, and modern optics. This text contains new chapters on laser beam characteristics and nonlinear optics; expanded coverage of fiber optics; new sections on ray tracing, thick lens, the Doppler effect, and evanescent waves; and valuable coverage of matrix treatment of polarization, Fraunhofer diffraction, Fourier optics, and more.

Section I contains chapters from which a standard one-semester optics course could be based. Chapters in Section I would require that some but not all of the preceding Section I chapters be covered first. Section II contains chapters that, upon completion of a subset of Section I chapters, could be covered in any order. This would allow teachers to select, as they wish, specialized content to suit individual curricular needs and goals.

This book contains over 50 new Problems. Figures accompany end-of-chapter Problems to help students visualize the situation. It also includes over 50 new and revised figures. Electronic versions of most figures will be available to instructors for presentation.

Formerly introduced in Chapter 21, lasers are now introduced early which establishes the importance of the laser as an optical instrument; allows for early introduction of various applications, demonstrations, and discussions that build on the use of a laser. Chapter 6 includes updates to semiconductor lasers, introduction of fiber lasers, and addition of more solid state lasers.

In addition to Chapter 6 on Laser Basics, chapters on Optical Interferometery (9), Fiber Optics (10), and Holography (15) have been updated. Updates include a modernization of the treatment and the addition of modern applications. It is an ideal introductory guide for the physics instructor, specifically those concentrating on optics.

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