Monday, April 29, 2013

Statistical Mechanics 3rd Edition, Pathria and Beale

Statistical Mechanics 3rd Edition PDF Download Ebook. R K Pathria and Paul D. Beale offer new sections on Bose-Einstein condensation and degenerate Fermi behavior of ultracold atomic gases, and two new chapters on computer simulation methods and the thermodynamics of the early universe. Authors have also added new sections on chemical and phase equilibrium, and expanded our discussions of correlations and scattering, quantized fields, finite-size effects, and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem.

This text will continue to provide new generations of students with a solid training in the methods of statistical physics. The selection of topics is very complete and gives to the student a wide view of the applications of statistical mechanics. The set problems reinforce the theory exposed in the text, helping the student to master the material.

One may start by putting together seemingly isolated observations and as the different pieces start to fall into place, more complicated arrangements and more fundamental explanations are sought. This is indeed the case for instance when trying to understand the behavior of a collection of particles. On the one hand, thermo- dynamics provides us with a satisfactory explanation of the macroscopic phenomena observed, however, in order to get to the core of the physical system it becomes necessary to take into account the microscopic constituents of the system as well as the fact that quantum mechanical effects are at play.

This is the realm of statistical mechanics and the subject of one of the most widely recognized textbooks around the globe: Pathria's Statistical Mechanics. The original style of the book is kept, and the clarity of explanations and derivations is still there. I am convinced that this third edition of Statistical Mechanics will enable a number of new generations of physicists to gain a solid background of statistical physics and that can only be a good thing.

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