Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors, Bernevig

Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors PDF Download Ebook. B. Andrei Bernevig presents the latest developments, while providing all the calculations necessary for a self-contained and complete description of the discipline. It is ideal for graduate students and researchers preparing to work in this area, and it will be an essential reference both within and outside the classroom.

This graduate-level textbook is the first pedagogical synthesis of the field of topological insulators and superconductors, one of the most exciting areas of research in condensed matter physics. It begins with simple concepts such as Berry phases, Dirac fermions, Hall conductance and its link to topology, and the Hofstadter problem of lattice electrons in a magnetic field. It moves on to explain topological phases of matter such as Chern insulators, two- and three-dimensional topological insulators, and Majorana p-wave wires.

Additionally, the book covers zero modes on vortices in topological superconductors, time-reversal topological superconductors, and topological responses/field theory and topological indices. The book also analyzes recent topics in condensed matter theory and concludes by surveying active subfields of research such as insulators with point-group symmetries and the stability of topological semimetals.

Problems at the end of each chapter offer opportunities to test knowledge and engage with frontier research issues. Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors will provide graduate students and researchers with the physical understanding and mathematical tools needed to embark on research in this rapidly evolving field.

This book deals with a very exciting subject that has become the focus of research in recent years. Authors have made some of the most important theoretical contributions to this young field and this timely volume will have significant staying power. It will be of great interest to condensed matter physicists, high energy and string theorists, and mathematicians.

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