Monday, May 27, 2013

Magnetism and Magnetic Materials by J. M. D. Coey

Magnetism and Magnetic Materials PDF Download Ebook. J. M. D. Coey covers basic physical concepts, experimental methods, and applications. This book is an indispensable text on the fascinating science of magnetism, and an invaluable source of practical reference data. Accessible, authoritative, and assuming undergraduate familiarity with quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and vectors, this textbook can be used on graduate courses.

Emphasis is placed on practical calculations and numerical magnitudes - from nanoscale to astronomical scale - with a focus on modern manifestations, including spin electronic devices. Each self-contained chapter begins with a summary, and ends with exercises and further reading. The book is thoroughly illustrated with over 600 figures to help convey concepts and clearly explain ideas.

Chapters are self-contained and dedicated to one topic each, with summaries and questions at the end to help the reader test their understanding of material. 38 principal magnetic materials are presented in an album format to include all the crucial data alongside the text. Helpful tables summarize magnetic properties and applications so that this book can be used as a reference source of practical data.

Easily digestible tables and data sheets provide a wealth of useful information on magnetic materials, and 38 principal magnetic materials, and many more related compounds, are treated in detail. This is an ideal textbook for graduates and for anyone with a professional interest in magnetism.

J. M. D. Coey leads the Magnetism and Spin Electronics group at Trinity College, Dublin, where he is Erasmus Smith's Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. An authority on magnetism and its applications, he has been awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Irish Academy and the Charles Chree Medal of the Institute of Physics for his work on magnetic materials.

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